UCA News
This Week@UCA November 30, 2018
- November 30, 2018
- Posted by: Adam Colcord
- Category: This Week @ UCA

Dear UCA Family,
Monday Morning Prayer Time
Every Monday, in the lobby of the Ad Building, we have weekly prayer time at 8:00 a.m. If you are on campus, we would love to have you join us! If not, please pray for us wherever you are. This Monday, December 3rd, we are praying for Jessica Garrett, Dani Rivera, and the equestrian program.
Journey to Bethlehem
Our students have the opportunity this weekend to participate with the Spokane South Hill Church in their Journey to Bethlehem production. Students who have signed up should meet the bus at the flagpole at 4 p.m. on Friday, 3:30 p.m. on both Sabbath and Sunday. The production ends by 8:30 p.m., so students can expect to be back on campus by approximately 9 p.m. This is a great way to be involved with sharing the true meaning of the Christmas season.
UCA Lions Basketball
Games this week will be on Tuesday, December 4 and Thursday, December 6. Please see the attached Lions’ Schedule for all the details. 2018-2019 basketball schedule
Winter Banquet
The Winter Banquet will be Sunday, December 9. There will be activities in the afternoon, followed by dinner. Sign-ups for activities and tables are available in the principal’s office. We look forward to seeing all of our students there!
Christmas Home Leave Transportation Schedule
Please note that the schedule for the home leave buses is drastically different for the Christmas home leave. The buses leave very early in the morning on Friday, December 21. The schedule is attached. 2018-2019 Christmas Home Leave Bus Schedule
College Prep Tip
There are two great things high school students can do to prepare for college over Christmas break: shadow a professional and apply for outside scholarships. For freshman through seniors, job shadowing is a great way to explore career options in an area of interest. Connect with someone in your church or a family friend and ask if you can follow them for a few hours and interview them about what they do. Also consider applying for outside scholarships. Students who spend the extra time to apply for scholarships can get thousands of dollars in money toward college that they never have to pay back, in addition to what is provided by their school of choice. Here are a few great sites to get you started:
Senior Graduation Announcements & Accessories
Seniors, order your graduation announcements, accessories, and cap & gown unit on January 9th, 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Library. Please take your order packets home and complete the order form with your parents. Next, bring your completed student order form and payment with you on order date. Full payment is requested, however a $100.00 deposit is acceptable. If you have questions, please ask on order date, contact your Grad Services NW representative, or visit our web site at: www.gradservicesnw.com
Contact info: Diana Aukofer, Owner
P.O. Box 2525
Post Falls, ID 83877
(208) 966-4042
info@gradservicesnw.com (email)
College Information
Students often wonder about the benefits of attending an Adventist College when compared to the cost. Check out the attached document that lists 100 of the benefits. CollegeImpact-Research-Report-Summary
#15 November 30-December 6, 2018
Looking Ahead
December 8 Music Tour
December 9 ACT/Winter Banquet
December 16 ASB Officer Christmas Party
December 20 Music Concert at the Fox – 7:30 p.m.
December 21-6 Christmas Break
January 7 Classes Resume