UCA News
This Week@UCA January 22-28, 2021
- January 21, 2021
- Posted by: School
- Category: Uncategorized

Greetings To You,
Ahhh, first semester is complete. Last week, students were busy studying for exams, writing papers, finishing assignments and hoping their efforts were enough for what they needed. This week several new students have joined our campus. It feels similar to the first day of school, only on a smaller scale. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says “And He said to me, My grade is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” This is a promise from God for us all. This coming week, our prayer focus will be for Rob and Heidi Knipple and their 2 children as well for the music program here at UCA.
Weekend Activities
The senior class will be having their own Sabbath School and Church, held in the old cafe. Freshman, sophomore, and junior students will be meeting in the Girls’ Dorm Chapel for Sabbath School, and UCA Church for the church service. Sabbath afternoon, students are welcome to join Mr. Johnson and his team on a hike. Meet at the flagpole at 2:00 pm. Saturday night, karaoke is planned. This event will be begin at 7:00 pm in the cafeteria. Sunday morning is another rec ski day. Bus loads at 6:00 am from the flagpole.
Looking Ahead
Home Leave February 17-21
HOPE February 14
Dorm Spiritual Lock In Weekend February 26-27