UCA News
This Week@UCA February 21-27, 2020
- February 20, 2020
- Posted by: School
- Category: Uncategorized

Dear UCA Family,
Spring is starting to arrive on campus. The daffodils are several inches high, robins and red wing blackbirds have been heard. I’ve noticed the Canadian geese have left this area. Spring is one of my favorite seasons. I’m reminded of the verse in Lamentations 3:23 which says, Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh every morning.
Friday Morning Prayer
Every Friday morning at 8 a.m., in the lobby of the Ad Building, we gather together to pray for specific people and events. This week we are praying for Ryan and Nok Irwin, Kristy and Daryl Plata, and Upper Columbia Academy Elementary School. If you are on campus, we would love to have you join us. If not, please pray with us where you are. This will be our prayer focus this coming week as well.
Union College and Andrews University
Union College is on campus this afternoon and Friday morning. Union College will meet students in the library. Students are encouraged to stop by and chat with the representative, Daniel Cress. Tuesday, February 25 from noon-2:00 p.m., Andrews University will be visiting our campus as well. They will be set up in the library as well. Watch for posters and announcements.
ASB Spirit Week
Next week is an exciting time on campus. It’s Spirit Week! This is a time for classes and staff to join together and participate in the dress event of the day. There will be daily activities starting at 11:30 a.m. during assembly time in the Gym. Monday is monochrome day. Tuesday is twin or dynamic duo day. Wednesday is crazy hair day. Thursday is decade day. Friday is high school stereotypes day.
UCA Elementary School Visitors’ Day (like Academy Days, but for the grade school) will be on Sunday, March 15 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. It overlaps with Science Fair so you can see students’ projects. Meet the teachers, ask questions, get printed information. Refreshments and prize drawings! More information at https://spanglewa.adventistschoolconnect.org/ucaes-visitors-day-2019-2020.
25-This Week@UCA February 21-27, 2020
Looking Ahead
Rec Ski February 23
Spirit Week February 24-28
Rec Ski March 1
Senior Recognition March 6-7
4 Year Senior Benefit March 8
Student Week of Prayer March 9-14
Closed Weekend March 13-15