UCA News
This Week@UCA February 12-17, 2021
- February 11, 2021
- Posted by: School
- Category: Uncategorized

Greetings Friends,
I hope this note finds you all keeping warm as this chilly weather settles in the area for a few days. I knew it was likely the Arctic chill from Canada was going to be shared with us in Washington as well. I know our Canadian friends may not have sympathy for us here. This past week, temperatures in Ponoka, AB have ranged from -9 F as a high to -42 F as nighttime lows. In northern Alberta at Grande Prairie, temperatures there have ranged from -15 F as a high and – 47 F as a low. I’m thankful God still provides us with beauty in the cold. The squirrels and raccoons look cute all puffed up with fur. Wind makes a different sound as it travels through trees without leaves. Mark 4:39 states, When Jesus woke up, He rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm.
2020-2021 Home Leave transportation info
Looking Ahead
February Home Leave February 17-21
Dorm Spiritual Lock-In Weekend February 26-27
Rec Ski February 28
Senior Recognition March 5-6
Rec Ski March 7
Spring Break March 17-28
Fourth Quarter Begins March 29