UCA News
This Week@UCA, August 30-September 5, 2019
- August 29, 2019
- Posted by: Adam Colcord
- Category: This Week @ UCA Uncategorized

UCA Family,
The school year is off to a great start! We are so blessed to have a great group of students, and we look forward to the friendships and the memories that will be made this year. Please take a moment to read through the announcements and follow the included links for more information. As always, if you have questions or need clarification, please contact the Principal’s Office by emailing kris.dalrymple@ucaa.org or calling (509) 245-3600. We wish you all a restful and blessed weekend!
Week of Prayer
We have been blessed by our Week of Prayer speaker, Tommy Poole! We encourage all our day students to join us for the conclusion of the messages on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the UCA Church.
ASB Church
ASB Church is happening on Sabbath, August 31, beginning at 10:30 a.m. It will be on the lawn on front campus. Day students are encouraged to join for this special service.
All School Picture/Campus Dedication
We will be taking an all school picture on the front lawn of the Administration Building immediately following church on Sabbath, August 31. Day students are encouraged to join us for church and for the photo. Following lunch, we will meet on the front lawn of the Administration Building again and spread out over campus to pray for God’s blessing as the school year begins. Everyone is invited to join us for this prayer time.
ASB Class Night
ASB Class Night is August 31, at 8:15 p.m. The gym doors will open at 8:00 p.m. Please come wearing your class colors and be prepared for a crazy, fun evening. Freshmen wear green, Sophomores wear blue, Juniors wear red, Seniors wear white. All attire must comply with the UCA dress code. If you have questions, please speak with a dean or another staff member.
Monday, September 2, 2019
Monday, September 2, is Labor Day and regular classes will meet at UCA. UCA Extension@LCA students will meet at LCA and join classes.
Lake Day at MiVoden
On Tuesday, September 3, the student body will be enjoying a day together at Camp MiVoden. The day will start with worship in the cafeteria at 8:40 a.m., then buses loading behind the cafeteria at 8:55 a.m. Day students must ride school transportation to the event, or be dropped off and picked up by a parent or guardian at MiVoden. Day students may choose to get on the buses at UCA at 8:55 a.m., or at one of the pick up sites along the way. Activities for the day will include swimming, boating, water skiing, beach volleyball, canoeing, and more. Make sure to bring swimming attire. Please see the attached Lake Day Drop-off/Pick-up Schedule for more information. Lake Day Day Student Transportation Information
Friday Morning Prayer Time
Each Friday at 8:00 a.m. we meet in the lobby of the Administration Building to pray for specific staff members, students, and events happening at UCA. We also pray for any requests submitted by students. If you are nearby and would like to join us for prayer, please know you are welcome. We covet your prayers for our campus, and would appreciate you lifting us up in prayer even if you are not able to be personally present. This ministry is led by Tammy Reitz, the mother of two of our students. If you would like to submit a prayer request, you can email kris.dalrymple@ucaa.org and we will include it in our weekly prayers. Thank you!
Day Student Transportation to UCA
If you are interested in having transportation from UCA to Yoke’s in the afternoons, and are willing to pay for it, please let us know by emailing kris.dalrymple@ucaa.org or calling (509) 245-3600. We are providing the morning ride as a service, but we have had a number of requests for afternoon transportation and it is cost prohibitive for us to add another trip. We will see how many families would wish to take advantage of an afternoon ride and we will keep you informed.
Junior Backpacking Trip
The junior backpacking trip is scheduled for September 6-8, and the students who are participating will leave from UCA right after their first block classes on Friday and return to UCA Sunday evening. They will be hiking to Independence Creek, a 16 mile round-trip hike. If you would like more information, please email Cindy Williams at cindy.williams@ucaa.org.
Freshman Retreat
The Freshman Retreat will take place September 6-8, 2019. Students will leave UCA after classes on Friday and return to campus on Sunday in time for breakfast in the cafeteria at 10:00 a.m. Please see the attached Freshman Retreat information for more details. FRESHMAN RETREAT Info 19-20
Senior Survival
What do a week in the woods, cooking over campfires, sleeping in makeshift shelters, bathing in cold streams, and enduring below-freezing nights all have in common? They are all part of the most powerful experience of the senior year here at UCA. Seniors will be leaving for Senior Survival on Sunday, September 8 and returning to campus on Friday, September 13. For more information, see attached document. Senior Survival PreLetter 19-20
This Week@UCA–02-This Week@UCA–August 30, 2019
Menu–Menu TW@UCA August 30
Labor Day Monday, September 2 (REGULAR SCHOOL DAY)
Lake Day, MiVoden September 3
Junior Backpacking September 6-8
Freshman Retreat September 6-8
Class Vespers September 13
HOPE Taskforce September 15
September Home Leave September 18 (12:25 dismissal) through September 22
Midterm September 24