UCA News
This Week at UCA 5/6/16
- May 6, 2016
- Posted by: Krista Mikkelson
- Category: This Week @ UCA
Dear UCA Family,
“Her children rise up and call her blessed.” Proverbs 31:28
It’s the homeward stretch and the goal is in sight!!! We are feeling very blessed! Our Marine Biology students have returned tired but happy, having had wonderful adventures and great weather. Please pray that our staff and students maintain focus and good health in the final month.
Due to scheduling difficulties, the Choir tour scheduled for Sabbath, May 14, has been cancelled.
The Upper Columbia Office of Education is now accepting applications for the Students in His Service scholarship program for the 2016 summer. This scholarship is a three way scholarship funded equally by the UCC Office of Education, UCC Adventist Community Services Grant funds and the student’s home church. It is available to students who volunteer in service to their communities and will be in grades 1-12 for the 2016-17 school year. Check out the guidelines at uccsda.org/Education/Scholarships. Applications may only be made online at the UCC Education website (uccsda.org/Education), until May 15, 2016.
Is your student needing summer work? Summer jobs are available at UCA in several different areas, some for a few weeks and others all summer long. Student workers will need to have their own off-campus housing, as the dorms and cafeteria will not be available for their use. For more information, please contact Nancy Starr at (509) 245-3610 or nancy.starr@ucaa.org.
This Week at UCA 5.6.16
Menu 5.6.16
Mother’s Day Brunch | Sun, May 8 |
ASB Officer Petitions Due | Mon, May 9 |
Biology Field Trip | Tues, May 10 |
AP English Test | Wed, May 11 |
ASB Primary Elections | Thurs, May 12 |
Faculty Advisee Vespers | Fri, May 13 |
4-Year Senior Trip | Sun-Mon, May 15-16 |
Please Pray For
- Students to remain healthy as they complete the school year
- Seniors as they plan for the future
- Students/families with financial concerns
- Students who are wanting to know Jesus better
- Each staff member
- The continual outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our campus
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