UCA News
This Week at UCA – 2/20/17
- February 20, 2017
- Posted by: Adam Colcord
- Category: This Week @ UCA

Dear UCA Family,
“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31
As many of you are aware, our phone lines have been down since Thursday due to flooding. The phone company is waiting for the water to go down to repair the lines so we can have phone service again. Unfortunately, we don’t know when that will happen, but we will keep you updated. Our main office numbers have been forwarded to cell phones. You can contact us by email or by calling the numbers below directly, as we are not able to transfer calls at this time.
Front Office, 509-245-3614
Business Office – 509-245-3618
Registrar’s Office – 509-245-3627
Girls’ Dean on Duty cell – 509-879-6946
Boys’ Dean on Duty cell – 509-879-6124
We are looking forward to seeing those of you who are able to join us for Senior Recognition Weekend, this Friday through Saturday night, February 24-25, 2017. If you are a Senior parent, congratulations! The reward is in sight!
For those of you who will not be able to attend, we will be live streaming Consecration, Sabbath School, Church, and the Senior Talent Program. To view the weekend programs, please go to www.ucaa.org/live. A link to the written program will be on the live stream site. Please see program below:
-Consecration, Friday, 7:30 p.m. in the gym.
-Sabbath School, Sabbath, 10:00 a.m. in the gym.
-Church, Sabbath, 11:00 a.m. in the gym.
-Sundown Meditation, Sabbath, 5:00 p.m. in the Church.
-WWU Financial Aid Seminar, Saturday, 6:00 p.m. in the Ad Building, Room #215.
-Senior Talent Program and Silent Auction, Saturday, 7:30 p.m. in the gym.
Sabbath lunch is free of charge for seniors’ immediate family. Donations are greatly appreciated. Lunch and supper on Sabbath are provided for day students as part of the special function meal package. Please make arrangements with the business office ahead of time if you wish to purchase additional meals. Meal tickets are $7 per meal if paid by cash or check; and $8 per meal, if charged on student’s account. Please see below:
Children (0-5 years) | Free |
Children (6-10 years) | $6, Cash price is $5 |
Adults (11 years and up) | $8, Cash price is $7 |
We only have a few more tables available for Senior Rec Talent Program. They seat 6 people and the cost is $75 (you may add up to 2 chairs for $10 each). A light meal and refreshments are included. To reserve a table please contact Charles.Hartman@ucaa.org. Make checks payable to UCA, and put “Senior Rec Table” in the memo line, or contact the Business Office at (509) 245-3618 to pay by credit card.
We are still accepting donated items for the Silent Auction, including gift baskets, baked goods, and gift certificates for services. We also need volunteers to set up tables. If you have items you wish to donate or would like to volunteer, please contact Mr. Hartman at Charles.Hartman@ucaa.org, or call (509) 245-3614. Thank you!
ThisWkUCA 2.17.17
ThisWkUCA 2.24.17
Menu Feb 19-25
Senior Rec Talent Dress Rehearsal | Thu, Feb 23 |
Senior Rec Weekend | Fri-Sab, Feb 24-25 |
Senior Rec Talent Program | Sat, Feb 25 |
Gymnastics Tour | Fri-Sab, Mar 3-4 |
Music Tour | Fri-Sun, Mar 3-5 |
Daylight Savings Begins | Sun, Mar 12 |
Sunday School | Sun, Mar 12 |
Spring Break | Wed-Sun, Mar 15-26 |
Fourth Quarter Begins | Mon, Mar 27 |
HOPE Sign Up | Wed, Mar 29 |
Grandparent Weekend | Fri-Sat, Mar 31-Apr 1 |
WWU Days | Sun-Wed, Apr 2-4 |
Academy Day | Thu, Apr 6 |
ASB Spring Party | Sun, Apr 9 |
Music/Gymnastics Tour | Wed-Sun, Apr 12-16 |
Facebook Friends: Follow us on Facebook [www.facebook.com/uppercolumbiaacademy] for all the latest campus news and information.
Day students are encouraged to stay in the dorm when it is unsafe to travel. In this case, the fee for staying overnight in the dorm will be waived. Please make arrangements with the deans. Students driving during poor road conditions should allow extra driving time.
Even if Liberty School District is closed, we will continue to have classes. Parents will need to evaluate the situation. Our top priority is student safety, but we also don’t want them to miss classes unnecessarily. Liberty often closes due to conditions that do not affect travel to UCA. If Liberty is closed, students’ perfect attendance will not be affected and absences will be excused.
If Liberty School District is on a two-hour delay, we will operate as normal. If you have a special circumstance, please advise us.
Tune in to the radio or TV stations in the morning to have a list of school closings. You may also receive the same information on their websites.
If students have travel emergencies or will be staying home due to road conditions, parents need to call Flor Smith at 245-3614.
Again, you are encouraged to help your student allow extra travel time or have them stay in the dorm when necessary.
We are all praying for a safe winter.