UCA News
This Week at UCA – 2/19/18
- February 19, 2018
- Posted by: Krista Mikkelson
- Category: This Week @ UCA
Dear UCA Family,
During our next prayer time on Monday, February 26, we will be remembering Dr. Denika Kleinmann, Chris and Karyl Kramer, and the student week of prayer. We hope you will pause for a few moments right where you are to join us.
ThisWkUCA 2.23.18
Menu Feb 18-24
This is School Spirit Week! We will be using a Week of Prayer schedule. Students and sponsors will earn points for their class for dressing to the theme for the day. There will be an assembly in the gym at 12:10 p.m. each day for the fun activities that the officers have planned. Here is the theme for each day of Spirit Week:
- Monday – Sports Day
- Tuesday – Twin Day
- Wednesday – Mismatch/Crazy Hair Day
- Thursday – Historical Day
- Friday – Geriatric Day
Student Week of Prayer begins Monday, February 26. There are only evening meetings so a regular class schedule will be used. SWOP will meet in the church beginning at 6:40 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. The evening meeting is not required for day students, but as this is such a highlight of our school year, we encourage you to attend. We know you will be blessed. Remember it is Week of Prayer dress for weekly meetings, and Vespers dress on Friday night, for all students.
To view each meeting, please go to: www.ucaa.org/swoplive. To increase the privacy of these meetings, the website will be password protected. Please contact the school for the password. The attached This Week at UCA shows the speakers for each meeting.
ACT tests will be Tuesday, February 27, for all juniors and seniors. They will test in the morning and have work obligations and music lessons only in the afternoon. Freshmen and sophomores will go to music lessons and work in the morning and have four classes in the afternoon.
Students, please check with work supervisors soon to arrange a time that will allow you to meet class and testing obligations. Music teachers will work with students to arrange for private lessons around tests and work. Please contact us if you have questions.
HOPE Day scheduled for Wednesday, February 28, has been rescheduled to Thursday, May 10. We will send out more information closer to that time.
The Upper Columbia Academy 4-Year Senior Benefit is coming up soon! Please plan to join us on Saturday night, March 3, at 6:30 p.m., in the UCA Gymnasium. The benefit features delicious food from around the world, game booths, and plenty of fun for everyone! Tickets for food and activities may be purchased at the door.
THIS WEEK AT UCA and the Menu are attached and on our website, www.ucaa.org.
ASB Spirit Week | Mon, Feb 20 |
Rec Ski | Sun, Feb 25 |
Student Week of Prayer | Mon-Sab, Feb 26-Mar 3 |
ACT | Tue, Feb 27 |
4-Year Senior Benefit | Sat, Mar 3 |
Rec Ski | Sun, Mar 4 |
HOPE Sign-up | Wed, Mar 7 |
Daylight Savings Time | Sun, Mar 11 |
Third Quarter Ends | Wed, Mar 14 |
HOPE | Thu, Mar 15 |
Fourth Quarter Begins | Fri, Mar 16 |
Sunday School | Sun, Mar 17 |
Spring Break/Mission Trips/Italy Tour | Wed-Sun, Mar 21-Apr 1 |
Classes Resume | Mon, Apr 2 |
Academy Day | Thu-Fri, Apr 5-6 |
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