UCA News
Creating the future: UCA Students Attend NPUC Leadership Conference
- February 6, 2017
- Posted by: Bob Lenz
- Category: Gleaner

UCA’s class, dorm and ASB leadership teams participate in the NPUC-sponsored leadership retreat

The North Pacific Union Conference hosts a retreat for student leaders every other year. This year’s conference, held Oct. 13–16, 2016, at Camp Mivoden in Hayden Lake, Idaho, featured presenters A.J. Grant, a pastor and a lieutenant serving as an Adventist chaplain in the U.S. Navy, and Jodi Wagner, Walla Walla University vice president for university relations and advancement.
Student leaders from Upper Columbia Academy (UCA) in Spangle, Wash., attended the 2016 retreat. UCA’s Associated Student Body (ASB) president, vice president and chaplain plus the school’s head resident assistants, class presidents and vice presidents were given the opportunity to attend the retreat. They joined student leaders from around NPUC to learn from the speakers through joint sessions, breakout sessions and Q-and-A’s. Additionally, it was a time of networking and teambuilding through which students met others in similar positions of leadership.
“We learned how to be better leaders,” shares Micah Honner, UCA freshman class president.
The retreat allowed freshmen and seniors alike to bond together as a team, learning with the goal of being a better servant. “I was so impressed with our students as I saw them step up to leadership, uniting together as a team,” says John Spano, UCA ASB head sponsor. “Our kids have such a positive attitude in all that they do.”
UCA’s student leaders have the responsibility to organize programming for the students they represent. These teams host events such as class parties, banquets and talent shows. However, beyond creating fun events, the academy makes it a priority for its student leaders to hone their skills as they prepare for future jobs.
“[This year’s] leadership retreat presented opportunities to not only learn valuable skills from the presenters, but also the opportunity to bounce ideas off of fellow leaders from other schools,” says Eva Wiggins, ASB president and resident assistant. “It was really cool to compare and see what others were doing.”
Timothy Kosaka
Upper Columbia Academy communication taskforce for the 2016–2017 school year