April 1, 2020
Dear Friend of UCA,
Spring is usually an exciting season on a boarding school campus. But this year our music and gymnastic students will miss out on their spring tour, our biology students will miss their field trip to Walla Walla’s Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory, and the students who worked so hard on Les Mirables will not get to perform it.
I’m sitting in my office alone, pondering and praying about how to Bridge the Gap. The teachers are in their offices alone administering the new distance learning program. Coronavirus COVID-19 has changed everything at UCA!
I do not know what the future holds, but I am convicted that now, more than ever, the Upper Columbia Academy mission is essential. This generation desperately needs the opportunities UCA offers – to be mentored by fine Christian role models, to learn God’s plan for humanity from Scripture, to make a personal connection with Jesus!
Not only has the Coronavirus interrupted our school program, it is impacting the school’s financial stability. We cannot collect board and room while the students are away; we’ve had to cancel our Gala (major fundraiser); we expect that some parents will lose jobs and be unable to follow through with their financial commitments.
We have already initiated several cost saving measures. Our goal is to NOT lay off any of our full-time staff. They are the lifeblood of this school. We want to reopen our doors and welcome our students back as soon as it is responsible to do so. If we are forced to lay off our teaching staff, it will make reopening the school very difficult.
So, I am writing to you today to invite you to help us Bridge the Gap during this difficult time. We need $250,000 by the end of this fiscal year (ending June 30, 2020). Now, $250,000 is a lot to raise in three months, but God is good. He has already provided the first $125,000!
I invite you to prayerfully consider helping us raise the final $125,000. Every gift, large or small, is important, and all must be received by June 30. You may send your gift in the enclosed envelope or give online at www.ucaa.org.
Please join me and my entire staff in praying for God to protect our students and safeguard our school during this difficult time.
Eric Johnson Principal