UCA News
This Week at UCA – 4/9/18
- April 9, 2018
- Posted by: Krista Mikkelson
- Category: This Week @ UCA
Dear UCA Family,
Our next prayer time will be on Monday, April 16, and we are praying for Joe Rivera, Clyde and Lou Sample, and UCA Grandparents. Thank you for joining us wherever you are!
ThisWKUCA 4.13.18
Menu April 8-14
Canada Music Tour
ACRO Soul Tour
Tour Days Class Schedule
Band/Choraliers/Orchestra leave on their tour to Canada this Wednesday at 7:15 a.m. and buses will load at the flagpole. They will return on Sunday, April 15, at 3:00 p.m. The itinerary is attached.
ACRO Soul leaves on tour to Lewiston, Milton-Freewater, Pendleton, Hermiston, and Yakima at 9 a.m., on Wednesday, April 11. They will return on Sunday, April 15, at around midnight. Please see the itinerary attached.
We will be using a special class schedule this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, April 11-13, due to the fact that a large number of our students will be on the music/gymnastics tour. Classes for all the students remaining on campus will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 2:35 p.m. on those three days. We will be combining classes to have students work on interdisciplinary projects during that time. These are important school days and attendance will be taken. Please see the schedule attached to see what classes are meeting, when, and where they will be meeting.
Friday, April 20, is Senior Career Day. This is an opportunity for our seniors to shadow professionals in our area and experience a workday in their field of interest. They will have a personalized schedule and they will travel in small groups to their specific locations. Students need to check with Mrs. Melendy about their assignments. Please keep them in your prayers as they discover their gifts and skills, and as they seek God’s leading for their future.
Representatives from Walla Walla University will be on our campus on Wednesday and Thursday, May 2-3, to help seniors who are interested in registering for classes. There are sign-up sheets in the front office where they can set up an appointment with an advisor. The deadline to sign up is Tuesday, April 24. Please contact Melissa Rae at melissa.rae@wallawalla.edu if you have any questions or need assistance.
THIS WEEK AT UCA and the Menu are attached and on our website, www.ucaa.org.
Music/Gymnastics Tour | Wed-Sun, Apr 11-15 |
ASB Officer Petitions Due | Mon, Apr 16 |
Senior Career Day | Fri, Apr 20 |
Sunday School | Sun, Apr 22 |
Marine Biology Trip | Sun-Wed, Apr 22-25 |
Midterm | Mon, Apr 23 |
ASB Campaign | Mon-Wed, Apr 23-May 2 |
ASB Election Assembly | Wed, May 2 |
ASB Spring Party | Sun, May 6 |
Spring Week of Prayer | Mon-Sab, May 7-12 |
Track & Field Day | Mon, May 7 |
Biology Field Trip | Tue, May 8 |
HOPE Taskforce Day | Thu, May 10 |
4-Year Senior Trip | Sat-Mon, May 12-14 |
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